my brittle heart

Through darkest night until the dawn,
You are the light to which I’m drawn.Don’t give me a break,
I’ve had all the breaks a heart can bear.
No, no, no, don’t set me free,
Just don’t, just don’t.
I need you more than a life raft needs the shore,
The waves come lapping at my door; a sadness never felt before.
And Honey, Honey,
Your red night sky that says, “Tomorrow will be fine”,
Well, I could never read the signs. I only read between the lines.
And Honey, Honey,
A million stars that hang in space,
They ain’t got nothing on your face.
Don’t give me a break,
I’ve had all the breaks a heart can bear.
No, no, no, don’t set me free,
Just don’t, just don’t.